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Fort Mears Army Post

Search Dutch Harbor Alaska

Fort Mears, built in 1941, is one of the National Historic Landmarks in Dutch Harbor commemorating the Aleutian campaign during WWII.

Fort Mears was attacked by the Japanese in 1942. Several machine-gun pillboxes still exist along many of the nearby beaches. Efforts are under way to establish the site as a National Park.

Of special interest is the Museum of the Aleutians, which is built on the foundation of a military warehouse.

Location: Dutch Harbor Alaska

Other History nearby:
(Dutch Harbor) Aleutian World War II National Historic
(Dutch Harbor) Dutch Harbor Naval Base
(Dutch Harbor) Fort Mears Army Post
(Dutch Harbor) Fort Schwatka
(Unalaska) Museum of the Aleutians
(Akutan) St. Alexander Nevsky Chapel

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02/13 Coming to The Dutch Harbor area