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Search Visit Alaska

Experience the history of Alaska at any of the historic sites throughout the state.

Agayadan Village Archaeological Site | Fort Babcock | Fort Ray | Fort Raymond | Fort Rousseau | Ghost Towns |
Adak Adak Naval Air Station |
Anaktuvuk Pass Simon Paneak Memorial Museum |
Anchorage St. Innocent Russian Orthodox Church |
Central Circle District Museum |
circle Coal Creek Historic Mining District |
Cooper Landing K'Beq Footprints |
Cordova Red Dragon Historic District |
Dutch Harbor Aleutian World War II National Historic | Fort Mears Army Post | Fort Schwatka |
Ester Ester Gold Camp |
Ketchikan Creek Street Historic District | Dolly's House Museum | Tongass Historical Museum |
Kodiak Baranov Museum | Dig Afognak |
Metlakatla Duncan Cottage Museum |
Nenana Alaska State Railroad Museum | St. Mark's Mission Church |
Nome Carrie McClain Memorial Museum |
Palmer Church of a Thousand Logs |
Seward Brown and Hawkins Downtown | Chugach Heritage Center |
Skagway Trail of '98 Museum |
Talkeetna Museum of Northern Adventure |
Trapper Creek Trapper Creek Museum & Gifts |
Wasilla Knik Museum | Museum of Alaska Transportation & Indust |
Wrangell First Presbyterian Church | Shakes Island and Tribal House |

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