Little Eagle Lodge offers world class fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, and unequaled beauty in Kodiak's pristine and wild backdrop. The lodge is equipped with six spacious bedrooms with facilities such as large dining area and living room with wood stove and vaulted ceiling. Home style breakfasts and dinners are served each day. Snacks and beverages are also available.
P.O. Box 4061, Kodiak Alaska 99615
907-868-3259 Toll Free: 888-508-3997
Other Motels, Hotels and Resorts nearby:
(Kodiak) Afognak Wilderness Lodge
(Kodiak) Best Western Kodiak Inn
(Kodiak) Inlet Guest Rooms
(Kodiak) Izembek Lodge
(Kodiak) Little Eagle Lodge
(Kodiak) Russian Heritage Inn
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02/17 Coming to The Kodiak area Kodiak Crab Festival Kodiak AK May23-27 Great food, games,
rides, parade and more over Memorial Day