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Inside Passage

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Some of the most breathtaking scenery anywhere can be seen along The Inside Passage of Southeast Alaska. The area is imbued with water, rainforests, glaciers and abundant wildlife. It is one of the most visited regions of the state, usually traveled to by boat or plane because most of its communities are coastal and have limited or no road access.

Kayakers enjoy the Inside Passage for its inlets, islands and wildlife. Fishermen love the halibut, trout and bountiful runs of salmon. Located here are the summer feeding waters of the orca and humpback whales. Raptor fans will want to view the thousands of eagles that congregate each fall to feast on late-run chum salmon along the Chilkat River, at the northern end of the region.

This area is the seat of Alaska's government. The state capital is Juneau, the largest city along the Inside Passage and Alaska's third biggest. Commercial fishing and the timber industry are important here. Ketchikan was once the world's salmon capital. The Tongass National Forest is the major feature and timber resource. The Inside Passage is rich in history; historical sites and museums throughout the area commemorate the Tlingit, Tsimshian and Haida Indians, the area's original peoples. Sitka, on Baranof Island, was the capital when Russia held possession of Alaska.

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