The Eastern Region of Arizona, sometimes known as "High Country" boasts the world's largest Ponderosa Pine forest. Campers will enjoy the fresh air of the Arizona White Mountains, and fishermen and waterskiiers will enjoy Roosevelt Lake and hundreds of others.
Long ago, the Anasazi Indians lived in Eastern Arizona. One of their communities was situated in Canyon de Chelly, near the town of Chinle. No one knows why the settlement was abandoned around 1300, but their cliff dwellings can still be seen today at Canyon de Chelly National Monument.
There are many other interesting sites and activities to be found in the communities of Eastern Arizona. Other attractions of Eastern Arizona include the BeshBa-Gowah Ruins, the Apache Indian Reservation, the site of Zane Grey's cabin, and Mogollon Rim, a geological fault reaching 7,000 to 11,000 feet with thousands of miles of creeks and rivers.
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