Both residents and visitors agree that Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Vancouver British Columbia
Over 200 years ago Captain George Vancouver arrived at the site of this city, lending his name to a place that has grown into a major Pacific Rim city with an international profile and diverse cultural heritage. Here, Chinatown boasts Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, the only Classical Chinese garden outside of China. The story of the Chinese community is an important one in Vancouver's history. BC's native communities are best documented here at the University of British Columbia. An authentic long house is featured at the Museum of Anthropology.
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02/17 Coming to The Vancouver area Berry Dairy Days Burlington WA June13-16 Fresh local strawberry shortcake, spectacular fireworks show, fabulous parades, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, entertainment stage with live music, nostalgic Berry Cool Car Show.