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Little Beach Resort

Search Ucluelet British Columbia

Little Beach Resort provides cottages. The cottages have a full kitchenette, queen beds, jacuzzi tubs, color TV, hot warm showers and views of the sandy shores. Ample parking, outdoor BBQ, picnic tables, and outdoor patios are available.

Location: P.O. Box 376, 1187 Peninsula Rd, Ucluelet British Columbia V0R3A0 Telephone 250-726-4202 Fax 250-726-7700

Other Motels Hotels & Resorts nearby:
(Tofino) Adventure Pacific Lodge
(Ucluelet) Amphitrite Inn
(Tofino) Best Western Tin Wis Resort
(Bowser) Bowser Bill's Family Beach Resort
(Port Alberni) Greenport Hotel
(Port Alberni) Greenport Hotel

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02/17 Coming to The Ucluelet area