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Aarlen - Arel

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Arlon is the capital of Belgium's Luxembourg province. It is located towards the southern end of Belgium's border with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, at the nexus of several roadways, including the unified E411 and E25. Arlon was a bustling travelstop during Roman times. Artifacts from the Roman era onward are exhibited at the Luxembourg Museum. The Victory Memorial Museum, dedicated to World War II, is located 5 km south of the city center. Like the rest of Luxembourg province, Arlon is relatively sparsely populated -- 25,000 residents.

Autelbas (Niederelter, Kleinelter), Bounert (Bonnert), Fouches (Offen, Affen), Guirsch (Gvich), Heinsch (Heichel), Sampont (Socs), and Toernich (Ternich) are boroughs within the municipal district of Arlon.

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