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Namur is located at the confluence of the Sambre River and the Meuse River, both of which are major waterways, and thus has had a military significance in centuries past that guaranteed continual assault, from Roman times through the second World War. As a result of having been leveled time and again, the antiquities in Namur are relatively sparse. Nevertheless, the city is large and important enough to offer the visitor a wealth of diversions, especially the , both of which are major waterways, and thus has had a military significance in centuries past that guaranteed continual assault, from Roman times through the second World War. As a result of having been leveled time and again, the antiquities in Namur are relatively sparse. Nevertheless, the city is large and important enough to offer the visitor a wealth of diversions, especially the [citadeln] and the numerous museums.

The city of Namur is the capital of [pnamur] province. It has a population of 105,000.

Beez, Belgrade, Boninne, Bouge, Champion, Cognelee, Daussoulx, Dave, Erpent, Flawinne, Gelbressee, Jambes, Lives-sur-Meuse, Loyers, Malonne, Marche-les-Dames, Namen, Naninne, Saint-Marc, Saint-Servais, Suarlee, Temploux, Vedrin, Wepion, and Wierde are boroughs within the municipal district of Namur. CODE left

Namur is located at the confluence of the [sambre] and the [meuse], both of which are major waterways, and thus has had a military significance in centuries past that guaranteed continual assault, from Roman times through the second World War. As a result of having been leveled time and again, the antiquities in Namur are relatively sparse. Nevertheless, the city is large and important enough to offer the visitor a wealth of diversions, especially the [citadeln] and the numerous museums.

The city of Namur is the capital of [pnamur] province. It has a population of 105,000.

Beez, Belgrade, Boninne, Bouge, Champion, Cognelee, Daussoulx, Dave, Erpent, Flawinne, Gelbressee, Jambes, Lives-sur-Meuse, Loyers, Malonne, Marche-les-Dames, Namen, Naninne, Saint-Marc, Saint-Servais, Suarlee, Temploux, Vedrin, Wepion, and Wierde are boroughs within the municipal district of Namur.

History Namur Archaeological Museum |

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