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Montezuma County

Search Cortez Colorado

The county seat of Montezuma County, Colorado, is Cortez. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 22,672, an increase of 4,000 over the 1990 census.

For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site.

Additional information is available at these pages:

Location: Cortez Colorado

Other Colorado Counties nearby:
(Dove Creek) Dolores County
(Durango) La Plata County
(Cortez) Montezuma County
(Silverton) San Juan County

02/15 Coming to The Cortez area
Olathe Sweet Corn Festival Olathe CO August3 The Olathe Sweet Corn Festival is more than fun in the western Colorado sunshine. It is an ever-growing symbol of a community committed to making the future better for the generations to come.