Located on the Golfe de Lyon, 31 km south of Aix-en-Provence and 3 hours from Paris via TGV, the port city of Marseille is the capital of the Provence region and is the most populated city in France after Paris. Founded as a Greek settlement in the 7th century BC and later seized by the Romans, Marseille is a mix of cultures with close links to the Middle East and North Africa. While Marseille is a bustling, cosmopolitan city, the Vieux Port (old harbor) is a colorful place to people watch and serves as the central point from which all of the citys 16 arrondissements fan out.
Tourist Office4 La Canebiere13000 MarseillePhone: 33 4 91 13 89 00Fax: 33 4 91 13 89 20