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Many reminders of Idaho's history are preserved throughout the state. From the archaeology that reveals the region's pre-European inhabitants to memorials to Vietnam war veterans, these reminders of the past dot the landscape.

Visitors are welcome to share the experiences of Oregon Trail emigrants, Lewis & Clark explorers, and many others.

Franklin City Hall | Nez Perce Indians | Weis Rockshelter | White Bird Hill Battlefield |
Blackfoot Bingham County Historical Museum |
Boise Boise Basque Museum and Cultural Center | Idaho Historical Museum | Old Idaho Penitentiary |
Cambridge Cambridge Museum |
Coeur d'Alene Fort Sherman Museum |
Fort Hall Shoshone-Bannock Indian Tribe |
Harrison Crane House |
Kellogg Shoshone County Mining and Smelting Museum |
Ketchum Oregon Wagon Museum |
Lewiston Luna House Historical Museum |
Murray Spragpole Museum |
Paris Paris Tabernacle |
Pocatello Bannock County Historical Museum | Standrod House |
Salmon Lemhi County Historical Museum |
Sandpoint Vintage Wheel Museum |
Twin Falls Idaho Heritage Museum |
Weiser Pythian Castle |

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