One of North Carolina's first industrial education centers, Alamance Community College was founded in 1958 to serve the occupational needs of area residents and for almost four decades has been a vital force in educating and training Alamance County's work force. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, ACC offers over 90 certificate, diploma and degree programs ranging from one-term occupational certificates to a two-year college transfer curriculum. The continuing education division offers more than 900 diverse courses a year, including industrial services, literacy and personal interest courses. Alamance Community College is located in Graham, NC, between Greensboro and Durham. The college is immediately off I 40-85 at ext. 150 and is clearly visible from the interstate.
Post Office Box 8000, 1247 Jimmie Kerr Rd, Graham North Carolina 27253
336-578-2002 Fax 336-578-1987
Other Education nearby:
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(Graham) Alamance Community College
(Durham) Durham Technical Community College
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(Greensboro) Greensboro Childrens Museum
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02/11 Coming to The Graham area Virginia Pork Festival Emporia VA June12 The Virginia Pork Festival is one of the East Coast's largest food festivals, combines outstanding pork dishes with continuous live music from multiple stages. Richmond's Original Italian Street Festival Richmond VA September28-29 Richmond's 17th Street Market will be magically transformed into an authentic Italian village for this year’s 8th Annual Italian Festival. John Blue Cotton Festival Laurinburg NC October12-13 Performances on an outdoor stage,vendor area with beautifully displayed crafts, clothing, and artwork, and wonderful food prepared by all of the food vendors.