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Fayetteville Technical Community College

Search Fayetteville North Carolina

FTCC identifies the educational needs of applicants and assists students in satisfying these needs at a minimal expense. Each adult who applies will be admitted to a program appropriate to his or her abilities and interests. The college is in partnership with the public school system through Tech Prep and other programs. Further, agreements with four‑year colleges and universities support the educational continuum from high school through the baccalaureate degree.

Curricular programs reflect the changing technical, commercial, industrial, and health needs of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, and surrounding areas. Various curricula offer certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees. As a learning-centered college, FTCC offers courses and programs at times and places convenient to prospective students. Courses are also available for high school graduates who need additional academic preparation before attempting college work.

Location: P O Box 35236, Fayetteville North Carolina 28303 Telephone 910-678-8400 Fax 910-484-6600

Other Education nearby:
(Buies Creek) Campbell University
(Fayetteville) Fayetteville State University
(Fayetteville) Fayetteville Technical Community College
(Pembroke) University of North Carolina/Pembroke
(Selma) Wes May & Company

02/17 Coming to The Fayetteville area
John Blue Cotton Festival Laurinburg NC October12-13 Performances on an outdoor stage,vendor area with beautifully displayed crafts, clothing, and artwork, and wonderful food prepared by all of the food vendors.