Winston-Salem is located in Forsyth County just northwest of High Point, along Interstate 40 near Belew Lake. It lies halfway between Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, D.C.
Winston-Salem is a city of 173,500 people. The community reflects its Moravian ancestry and its African-American heritage. Today a "living history" town, Old Salem was founded in 1766 as a Moravian settlement and trading center. Authentically costumed docents re-enact the typical lives of European-and African-American residents in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Winston was founded in 1849. Winston and Salem consolidated in 1913.
Known to many as the "City of the Arts," Winston-Salem created the nation's first arts council and is rated first nationally in per capita contributions to the arts. The city is the home of the Wake University campus.
Biotechnology, medicine and medical research are contributors to the city's economy.
Winston-Salem is part of the Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High Point metro area.