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Gateway Park Visitors Center and Museum

Search Farmington New Mexico

Weather you are exploring the Southwest Indian Ruins, playing golf, fly fishing on the San Juan River, or mountain biking on Famington's many trails, Gateway park is the place to begin your adventure. Gateway Park promises to be much more than a Visitor Center and Museum. Special demonstrations by local artists can craftman are planning throughout the year. Festivals and events celebrating cultural and ethnic heritages will enhance the offerings. Gateway Park also offers a superb veiw of the Animas River from the glass-enclosed east wall of the main entry room. After persuing the Visitors Center and Museum, the patio is a prime location to rest a moment and plan activies for the remainder of the day.

Location: Farmington Visitors Bureau, 203 W. Main, Farmington New Mexico 87401 Telephone 800-448-1240

Other History nearby:
(Aztec) Aztec Historic District
(Aztec) Aztec Museum and Pioneer Village
(Farmington) B-Square Ranch
(Waterflow) Big Rock Trading Post Inc.
(Nageezi) Chaco Culture National Historical Park
(Farmington) Gateway Park Visitors Center and Museum

02/18 Coming to The Farmington area