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Kenneth Johnson

Search Santa Fe New Mexico

Kenneth Johnson is a Muscogee (Creek) and Seminole Native American artist working in copper silver, gold and platinum jewelry designs. Renowned for exquisite collection of jewelry and decor, he possesses a knowledge of precious metals and stones that sets him at the forefront of this generation of metal smiths. His technical proficiency is complemented by a constant pursuit of creative innovation in the use of metal. Specializing in stamp work and texturing on coins and precious metals, he takes a judicious, painterly approach to the use of stones.

Location: PO Box 23296, Santa Fe New Mexico 87502 Telephone 505-473-5365

Other Shopping nearby:
(Las Vegas) Altiplano Mountain Shop
(Los Alamos) Blue Sunflower Gift Baskets
(Santa Fe) Celtic Jewelry
(Chimayo) Chimayo Trading and Mercantile
(Espanola) Chimayo Trading Post - Marco Polo Shop
(Santa Fe) Fairchild & Co. Jewelers

02/19 Coming to The Santa Fe area
Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival Santa Fe NM July14-August19 Sensational music, top-notch performers and Santa Fe’s alluring location combine to make this an event you won't want to miss.