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Search London Ontario

London is one of the principal cities of southern Ontario. Founded in 1792, the city has ties to the English capital including the name of the river running through the center of town - the Thames River. The city is nicknamed the `Forest City` because of it's century-old program of planting 1,000 trees annually. London has a substantial number of parks, museums, and galleries. Visitors can take city tours on double-decker buses departing from city hall during the summer. A huge airshow takes place at the London Airport in June. In September, one of the largest fairs in Canada, the Western Fair, is held for 10 days in Queens Park.

Art London Musical Theatre |
Education Storybook Gardens and Springbank Park | London Crisis Pregnancy Centre |
History St. Paul's Cathedral | The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum |
Motels, Hotels and Resorts Embassy Hotel | Golden Pheasant Motel Ltd. | Hudson Taylor Lodge | London |
Residential and Commercial Real Estate Capitol Hill Apartments | Christine Crncich, Real Estate Agent | TerraCorp. Management Inc. |
Shopping Stoneman Distributors |
Wine Country Bellamere Country Market and Winery | Location: 300 Dufferin Avenue, London Ontario N6B 1Z2 Telephone 519-661-5000 Toll Free: 800-265-2602

See more Ontario Cities and Towns.

02/12 Coming to The London area
Scandinavian Folk Festival Gerry NY July19-21 Swedish Food Every Day, Expanded Lecture Program, Feature Length Swedish Movies (with English subtitles), A Celebration of Hans Christian Anderson.
Cleveland Garlic Festival Cleveland OH September7-8 Great music, great food, great fun.