Cape Foulweather was discovered and named in 1778 by the famous British navigator Captain James Cook. It was here that Captain Cook first sighted the mainland of North America on the Pacific Coast, and one of the sudden storms which greeted his arrival almost put an end to his historical expedition. The fierceness of the storm is reflected by the name he gave this rugged landmark - Cape Foulweather.
The Lookout is perched atop this promontory rising 500 feet above sea level and from its windows can be seen the crashing surf along the shore, sea birds nesting on the rocks, sea lions basking in the sun, fleets of fishing boats in search of salmon, ocean liners whose wisps of smoke string out along the far horizon. Whale Watching, unbelievable sunsets, and the peaceful calm which follows the violence of a sudden storm.
This state wayside between Depoe Bay and Otter Rock offers good views but has no restroom facilities.
A small gift shop perches atop the headland with an excellent variety of gifts to take home with you.