Online Highways Home > Oregon > Coos Bay
Convention & Tour Bus Info
We have the information you need to plan your tour or meeting in Oregon's Bay Area.
Coos Bay Oregon

We're located on scenic Highway 101 and accessible by plane. Six flights per day to and from Portland arrive at and leave our local airport. Breathtaking drives on Hwys 42 & 38 are just hours from Portland, Eugene and Medford. We have a Group Tour Planner available and information on: - Convention Services
- Myrtlewood Factory Tours
- Oregon Dunes Tours
- Working Forest Tours
- Whale Watching Tours
- Oyster Farm Tours
- Art & Historical Museums
- Shore Acres Botanical Gardens
- Casino/Gambling Tours
- Convention Information for Oregon's Bay Area
- Lodging
- Meeting Rooms
- Restaurants
- Activities/Events
Every season is an exhilarating reason to visit the Bay Area. The choices are endless.
500 Central Room 10, Coos Bay Oregon 97420
Toll Free: 541-269-8921 Fax 541-267-5615
(Elkton) Big K Guest Ranch and Guide Service
(North Bend) BLM Office - North Bend
() Cape Arago Lighthouse
(North Bend) Conde McCullough Memorial Bridge
(Coos Bay) Convention & Tour Bus Info
(Coos Bay) Coos Bay-North Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau
Request a Free copy of the Mile-by-Mile Guide to the Oregon Coast, which will be delivered to your USA postal address. Also request a free first issue of Oregon Coast magazine and sign up for coast deals.