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Oregon State Parks

Dedicated to Providing Recreation for Oregonians Today and for Future Generations

Search Salem Oregon
Oregon enjoys a heritage of many state parks spread throughout the state. Almost all were acquired and developed in earlier years when State Parks was part of the Highway Department and received a portion of the gas tax for their activities.

The material provided here is compiled by Online Highways and is not official government information.

NOTE: Reservations may be made up to 9 months ahead for campsites, Cabins, Yurts & Wagons. Reservations Northwest, is a program of the Oregon Parks & Rec Dept. The call center can be reached Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. Use the link below to get the latest information on available camping sites in the Oregon State Park System.

Oregon Major Recreation Providers are other agencies that offer camping opportunities in Oregon.

Angels Rest & Benson State Park | Bradley State Park | Cape Arago State Park | Elijah Bristow State Park | Fort Rock State Park | Guy W. Talbot State Park | Munson Creek State Park | Portland Women's Forum State Park | Reservations Northwest | Starvation Creek State Park | Succor Creek State Park | Willamette Mission State Park | Willamette Stone State Park | Winchuck State Park |
Adrian Lake Owyhee State Park |
Bandon Bullards Beach State Park |
Bend Tumalo State Park |
Brookings Alfred A. Loeb State Park |
Canyon City Unity Lake State Park |
Charleston Shore Acres State Park |
Chiloquin Jackson F. Kimball State Park |
Coos Bay Sunset Bay State Park |
Culver Cove Palisades State Park |
Depoe Bay Boiler Bay State Park | Fogarty Creek State Park |
Detroit Detroit Lake State Park |
Eugene Browns Landing |
Florence Carl Washburne State Park | Darlingtonia State Natural Site | Jessie Honeyman Memorial State Park | Tokatee Klootchman State Park |
Garibaldi Tillamook County Parks |
Gold Hill Valley of the Rogue State Park |
Huntington Farewell Bend State Park |
Joseph Minam State Park | Wallowa Lake State Park |
La Pine La Pine State Park |
Lakeside William Tugman State Park |
Lane County Alderwood State Park | Armitage State Park | Fall Creek State Park |
Leaburg Ben and Kay Dorris State Park |
Lincoln City D River State Park | Devils Lake State Park | Roads End State Park |
Lowell Winberry Creek Park |
Meacham Catherine Creek State Park | Hat Rock State Park | Hilgard Junction State Park | Ukiah-Dale Forest State Scenic Corridor |
Mosier Memaloose State Park |
Nehalem Nehalem Bay State Park |
New Pine Creek Goose Lake State Park |
Newport Agate Beach State Park | Beverly Beach State Park | Lost Creek State Park |
Oceanside Cape Meares State Park | Oceanside Beach State Park |
Pacific City Cape Kiwanda |
Port Orford Cape Blanco State Park | Humbug Mountain State Park |
Portland Tryon Creek State Park |
Prineville Prineville Reservoir State Park |
Redmond Cline Falls State Park |
Salem Maud Williamson State Park |
Seal Rock Ona Beach State Park |
Silverton Silver Falls State Park |
South Beach South Beach State Park |
St Paul Champoeg State Park |
The Dalles Mayer State Park |
Tillamook Cape Lookout State Park |
Trail Joseph H Stewart State Park |
Troutdale Bridal Veil Falls State Park |
Vernonia Banks-Vernonia State Trail |
Waldport Alsea Bay Bridge Interpretive Center | Beachside State Park | W.B. Nelson State Park |
Wasco Deschutes River State Park |
Yachats Neptune State Scenic Viewpoint | Smelt Sands State Park & 804 Trail | Yachats Ocean Road State Park | Location: Oregon Parks & Recreation Dept, 725 Summer Street NE, Ste. C, Salem Oregon 97301

Other County Parks Departments nearby:
(Albany) Linn County Parks
(Salem) Marion County Parks
(Salem) Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
(Salem) Oregon State Parks

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02/12 Coming to The Salem area
Water Music Festival Seaview WA April1 The Water Music Festival is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to bringing quality chamber music to the Lower Columbia River Region.
Astoria-Warrenton Crab and Seafood Festival Warrenton OR April26 Crab and seafood as well as entertainment. Listen to the Astoria HS Jazz Band on Sunday.
Mt. Pisgah Arboretum Wildflower and Music Festival Eugene OR May19 A day of wildflowers, music, food, crafts, and microscopes!
Rhododendron Days Florence OR May17-19 The annual celebration of the blooming of rhododendrons along the central Oregon Coast.
Columbia Gorge Wine and Pear Fest Hood River OR May18-19 Start off the weekend with friends and fun featuring Columbia Gorge wineries and eateries. Highlights include entertainment, live music, wine tasting, great food, fruit exhibits with samples, and local artisans.