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Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Celebrating 70 Years

Search Ashland Oregon
The Oregon Shakespeare Festival was born on July 2, 1935, with a production of Twelfth Night. Reserved seats were $1.00, with general admission at 50 cents. In 1937, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association was formed as an independent, non-profit entity.

In 1953, the festival hired its first full-time, paid employee. In 1958, the old stagehouse was torn and the new Elizabethan stage opened in 1959. The 600-seat Angus Bowmer Theater opened in 1970. The New Theatre which is the youngest theatre carries on the poineering spirit of its predecessor, the Black Swan. On this intimate and extremely versatile stage, they present new works and explore plays they thought they knew in ways designed to challenge and excite the public.

In 1994, the Portland branch became independent as the Portland Center Stage.

Location: PO Box 158, 15 S Pioneer, Ashland Oregon 97520 Telephone 541-482-2111 Fax 541-482-8045

Other Theaters nearby:
(Talent) Actors' Theatre
(Ashland) Artattack Theatre Ensemble
(Grants Pass) Barnstormers Little Theater Group
(Ashland) Oregon Shakespeare Festival
(Grants Pass) Rogue Music Theatre

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