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Shopping for vacation gifts is a popular tourist activity. Especially popular are locally made products. Select the following link to view Online Highways list of Oregon Products.

Ashland Shakespeare & Company |
Aurora The Mohler House 1865 Amish & Handcrafts |
Bandon Devon's Boutique | Klahowya! | U-Pick Oysters | Wool Company yarn Shop |
Bend Open Book | Spectrum Hardwoods |
Brownsville Courtney Creek Farm |
Cannon Beach Explora Store | Shorelines N W |
Coos Bay Alora's Handpainted Tile Murals | Cranberry Sweets and More |
Corvallis Madison Avenue Gift Baskets |
Depoe Bay Harbor Lights Inn |
Dorena Baker Bay Bead Company |
Elgin Blue Mountain Log Homes |
Eugene Harvest Woodcraft | Inda Farm Enterprises | Northwest Peddlers | Shamrock Flowers & Gifts |
Florence Mystic Woods Wildlife Design | Peter Pan's International Gifts | SCM Gift Solutions Inc. | Solari Glass Studio | The Wren's Nest | Video Keepsakes |
Garibaldi Myrtlewood Factory Outlet |
Glendale Maverick Industries |
Gleneden Beach Marketplace at Salishan |
Grants Pass Bentwood Furniture |
Independence Prestige Gift Baskets |
Lakeview Close to Hart Gems |
Lincoln City Roberts Book Shop |
Mapleton Randy's Riverview Market |
Medford J. Michaels Fine Jewelry | Lampshades Of Antique |
Monmouth Wind Chimes Pavilion |
Newport Made in Oregon | Queen of Hearts Lingerie | Sea Towne | Tsunami Ceramics | Zamora Jewelers |
North Bend Pony Village Mall |
Portland Amish Furniture Gallery | Cascade Piano | Cedar Mountain Drums | Color Tile - The Floor Covering Supermart | Columbia Sportswear Company | Credit Diamonds | Jennifer Mannila Ceramics | Mill End Store | Modulog Cedar Log Siding | Moritzco | Orange Horse Gifts | Powells City of Books | Precision Electro Coat | Third Eye Shoppe | Washington Square Shopping Center |
Rose Lodge Lovell's Furniture and Design |
Roseburg Revolutions Art Works |
Salem Lancaster Mall |
Scappoose West Coast Shoe Company |
Seaside C by the Sea | Coldwater Creek | Old Crab Beach House | Oneida Factory Stores | Seaside Town Center Mall |
Silverton Doll Clothes Store |
Sunriver Ben's Tree House | Sunriver Village Mall |
The Dalles Columbia Clothing Company |
Troutdale Columbia Gorge Premium Outlets |
Union Stockam Crystals |
Vernonia Vernonia Mercantile |
Waldport Whittler's Workshop and Gift Gallery |
Warm Springs Native American Flutes |
West Linn ModNorthwest Furniture and Furnishings |
White City Oregon Oak Products |
Yachats Sea Rose | Shirley's Cottage Industries |

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