This 831 square mile county is in north central Oregon. The county seat of Sherman County, Oregon, is Moro, which is located on Highway 97. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 1,786, a decrease of 132 over the 1990 census. Sherman County which was established in February of 1889 and was named after the Civil War hero, William Tecumseh Sherman. For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site. Additional information is available at these pages:
Moro Oregon
Other Oregon Counties nearby:
(Condon) Gilliam County
(Condon) Gilliam County
(Hood River) Hood River County
(Moro) Sherman County
(Moro) Sherman County
(The Dalles) Wasco County
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02/14 Coming to The Moro area Columbia Gorge Wine and Pear Fest Hood River OR May18-19 Start off the weekend with friends and fun featuring Columbia Gorge wineries and eateries. Highlights include entertainment, live music, wine tasting, great food, fruit exhibits with samples, and local artisans. Gorge Blues and Brews Festival Stevenson WA June21-22 Fine collection of local craft brews and local wines, a multitude of phenomenal foods, and great blues music, while benefiting local charities in the Columbia Gorge.
Columbia Gorge Bluegrass Festival Stevenson WA June25-28 Amazing talent, workshops, instrument contests and raffle, fine craft and food vendors, a merry beer garden, and nightly dances. Huckleberry Festival Bingen WA September6-8 Music, parade, kids games, entertainment.