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Abilene Paramount Theatre |
Albany Georgia Monument | Ledbetter Picket House |
Amarillo International Helium Centennial |
Austin Neill-Cochran Museum House |
Bandera Polly's Chapel |
Beaumont John Jay French Historic House | McFaddin-Ward House |
Big Lake Hickman Museum |
Boerne Kronkosky Hill |
Bonham Fort Inglish Park |
Boys Ranch Old Tascosa |
Brackettville Alamo Village Movie Location |
Brazosport Area The Acacia |
Brownwood Douglas Macarthur Academy of Freedom |
Columbus Stafford Opera House |
Cresson Pate Museum of Transportation |
Dalhart XIT Museum |
Dallas Age of Steam Railroad Museum | American Museum of The Miniature Arts | Frontiers of Flight Museum | Reunion Tower of Dallas |
Denton Denton County Historical Museum | Hangar 10 Flying Museum |
Devine Bigfoot Wallace Museum | Stroud Blacksmith Shop |
Eastland Kendrick Religious Museum |
El Paso Museum of the Noncommissioned Officer |
Elgin Nofsinger Home |
Falfurrias Don Pedrito Shrine |
Floresville Canary Islands Cemetery |
Fort Davis Neill Museum | Overland Trail Museum |
Fort McKavett Fort McKavett State Historic Site |
Fort Stockton Annie Riggs Memorial Museum | Grey Mule Saloon | The Wheels and Frills | Tunis Creek Stagecoach Stop |
Fort Worth Cattleman's Museum | Edelman McFarland House |
Fredericksburg Pioneer Museum Complex |
Gainesville Historic Homes |
Galveston Ashton Villa | Texas Heroes Monument |
George West Buck West House |
Gonzales Gonzales Pioneer Village Living History | Old Jail |
Granbury Hollywood Museum |
Hallettsville Lay-Bozka House |
Hallsville Caddo Legacy Museum |
Hamilton Hamilton County Genealogy Library | Hamilton County Museum |
Henderson Howard-Dickinson House |
Hillsboro Harold B. Simpson Confederate Research |
Houston Allen's Landing/Old Market Square | American Funeral Service Museum | Railroad Train Museum |
Huntsville Oakwood Cemetery |
Independence Old Baylor Park | Ruins of Old Baylor University | Sam Houston Homesite | Texas Baptist Historical Center Museum |
Ingram Stonehenge in the Hills |
Iraan Iraan Archaeological Museum |
Jacksonville Killough Monument |
Jasper Beaty-Orton House |
Jefferson Excelsior House | Freeman Plantation | House of the Seasons | Jay Gould Private Railroad Car | The Sagamore | Twin Oaks Plantation |
Johnson City The Feed Mill |
Katy Heritage Park |
Kilgore East Texas Oil Museum | World's Richest Acre Park |
Kingsville King Ranch Museum |
Lake Jackson Dr Freeman's Antique Dental Museum |
Laredo Saint Augustine Church |
Littlefield Replica of World's Tallest Windmill |
Livingston Jonas Davis Cabin | Polk County Museum |
Longview R. G. LeTourneau Museum |
Lubbock Museum of Texas Tech University | Ranching Heritage Center |
Marshall Ginocchio National Historic District | Marshall Pottery & Museum |
Mason Seaquist Home |
Matador Motley County Historical Museum |
Menard Historic Ditch Walk |
Midland Midland Man | Museum of The Southwest | Pliska Airplane |
Mission La Lomita Chapel | Shary Estate |
Morton C. C. Slaughter Ranch Headquarters |
Moulton St. Joseph's Catholic Church |
Mount Pleasant Florey-Meriwether Home |
Mount Vernon Majors-Parchman Farmstead |
Nacogdoches Millard's Crossing | Old North Church |
Nederland Windmill Museum |
New Braunfels Alamo Classic Car Museum | Conservation Plaza |
New London London Museum and Tea Room |
Newcastle Fort Belknap |
O'Donnell O'Donnell Museum |
Odessa Jackrabbit Statue |
Paris Evergreen Cemetery |
Pharr Old Clock Museum | Smitty's Jukebox Museum |
Pittsburg NE Texas Rural Heritage Center & Museum | Witness Park and Prayer Tower |
Plano Interurban Railway Station Museum |
Plantersville Texas Renaissance Festival |
Port Arthur Pompeiian Villa | White Haven |
Poteet World's Largest Strawberry |
Quanah Hardeman County Museum | QA & P Railroad Depot |
Richardson Miss Belle's Place |
Richmond Decker Park | Fort Bend Museum | Long-Smith Cottage | McFarlane House | Moore Home |
Rio Grande City La Borde House | Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto |
Roma Roma Historical Museum |
Round Top Henkel Square |
Saint Jo Stonewall Saloon Museum |
San Angelo E.H. Danner Museum of Telephony | Miss Hattie's Museum |
San Antonio Alamo Cenotaph | Buckhorn Hall of Horns Museum | Cowboy Museum and Gallery | General Cos House | Hangar 9 Museum of Flight Medicine | La Villita | Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo | The Alamo |
San Augustine Ezekiel W. Cullen Home |
San Juan Shrine of La Virgen de San Juan de Valle |
San Marcos Belvin Street Historic District |
San Saba San Saba County Historical Museum |
Seguin Juan Seguin Burial Site |
Seminole Gaines County Museum |
Sherman C.S. Roberts House |
Shiner Edwin Wolters Memorial Museum |
Sierra Blanca Railroad Depot Hudspeth County Museum |
Spring Pioneer Homestead Museum |
Stanton Old Jail |
Stinnett Battle of Adobe Walls |
Tahoka Pioneer Museum |
Temple The Grove Country Life Museum |
Texarkana Texarkana Historical Museum |
Tyler Goodman-LeGrand Home | Harold's Model Train Museum |
Waco Gov. Bill & Vara Daniel Historic Village | Strecker Museum of Baylor University | The Taylor Museum of Waco History | Waco Historic Homes |
Waskom T.C. Lindsey & Co. |
Waxahachie Chautauqua Auditorium | Ellis County Courthouse |
Weatherford Oliver Loving's Grave | Peter Pan Statue |
West Columbia Columbia Historical Museum |
Wichita Falls Wichita Falls Fire & Police Museum |
Wills Point Wills Cabin |