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Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis

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A brief history

The Chehalis River watershed, which extends from the foothills of the Cascade Mountains to the Pacific Ocean in southwest Washington, was home to bands of Salish-speaking Indians for numerous generations before the advent of pioneers. The natives lived along the river, its tributary streams and creeks. The name Chehalis is taken from the native term Chi-ke-lis, or shifting sands, probably referring to an old native village near today's Westport.

Two main tribes, the Lower Chehalis and the Upper Chehalis, inhabited that area, between Grays Harbor in the west and the headwaters of the Chehalis River to the southeast. They communicated with similar Salish languages and kept close relations through frequent contact, bartering and intermarriage.

The elders passed down accounts of tribal origins to their children. Honne, the spirit of the Chehalis, was the creator of animals and people. He gave names to various species important to the Chehalis.

Both tribes were river-oriented out to the sea. They relied upon the rivers for salmon, their principal staple. The natives were expert fishers and paddlers of shallow shovel-nose canoes. In addition, there was an abundance of steelhead, eels, freshwater clams and crayfish. Their winter village dwellings, constructed of large cedar planks, were placed perpendicular to the streams; occupants could view the water from one end.

The rivers also served as trading routes. The Chehalis peoples' economy went beyond subsistence. They traded fish, clams, oysters and furs. Dried salmon was a popular export to inland tribes. The Chehalis had developed an elaborate trading network among the several bands that comprised their tribes, and with other peoples at a considerable remove. Their trading route went from the Chehalis River system to the Cowlitz River system. This canoe highway with its negotiable portages was utilized well into the 1900s, not only by tribes, but increasingly by non-natives as well.

The 19th century would introduce an influx of such non-native outsiders as explorers*, trappers, missionaries and settlers. At first, the Chehalis helped clueless settlers stave off starvation by showing them how to fish and hunt. As the pioneers increased in number, however, relations soured and the natives began to resist their encroachment. In addition, the outsiders unwittingly introduced disease.

The Native American population in the region during those years is impossible to ascertain, but one report suggests that an 1855 gathering of the Upper Chehalis at Ford's Prairie numbered up to 5,000. Two decades following, an Indian agent and settler named Sydney Ford estimated that the native population in western Washington below the Puget Sound had dwindled to only 1,200 souls. The flu, measles, small pox, other white-borne diseases and alcohol-related health problems had withered the previously flourishing river village population.

In 1864, the majority of the Chehalis people were moved -- without the protective provisions of a federal treaty -- to the new Chehalis Reservation, situated six miles northwest of Centralia and roughly 26 miles southwest of Olympia. Oakville is adjacent to the northwest corner of the reservation. Members of the tribes have been located on the parcel, now comprising 4,216 acres, within the Chehalis River watershed ever since.

The tribe became a confederation and crafted its own autonomous government with a constitution and bylaws, and adopted the provisions on July 15, 1939.

The confederation today

In addition to the Lower and Upper Chehalis, the confederation today includes the Hooshkal, Hoquiam, Humptulips, Klimmin, Nooskhom, Satsop, Wishkah and Wynooche bands. There are more than 650 confederation members.

The tribal governing unit is the Chehalis Community Council, comprising all enrolled members 18 years old and older. The council typically convenes twice yearly and exercises the option of holding extra meetings as the need arises. A five-member business committee, elected by the council for two-year terms, oversees tribal administration and business.

A general manager answerable to the business committee is appointed to supervise administrative functions. He or she is responsible for tribal services and functions carried out through the following departments:

  • Administrative Services
  • Human Resources
  • Enrollment
  • Planning
  • Grant Writing
  • Finance
  • Family and Children Services
  • Head Start
  • Day Care
  • Youth and Senior programs
  • Law Enforcement
  • Probation
  • Corrections
  • Court and Administration
  • Natural Resources and
  • Fisheries.
  • The tribes operate a health clinic, dental clinic, alcohol and substance abuse program, housing authority, childhood development center, bingo hall, two convenience stores and the Lucky Eagle Casino.

    Today, the lifeways of the Chehalis people are quite different from their forebears, but there is still much to be learned from past ways and from the people who lived in this watershed from time immemorial. Important archaeological sites are found throughout the tribes' aboriginal area.

    *In the fall of 1805, the Lewis and Clark expedition reached the Columbia River and the southwest Washington region. They were the first Euro-American explorers to reach the region by the overland route.

    Location: 420 Howanut Rd., Oakville Washington 98568 Telephone 360-273-5911

    Other History nearby:
    (Aberdeen) Aberdeen Historical Museum
    (Aberdeen) Aberdeen Historical Whorehouse Society
    (Hoquiam) Arnold Polson Park and Museum
    (Olympia) Bigelow House Museum and Neighborhood
    (Tacoma) Camp Six Logging Museum
    (Chehalis) Chehalis Downtown Historic District

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