The Observatory is unique because it caters to the general public with programs for amateur as well as experienced star gazers. The facility is run by the Washington State Parks Department and provides visitors with the chance to look through the 24.5-inch telescope, one of the largest apertures in the USA available for public use. There is also a secondary dome which houses an eight inch Schmidt-Cassegrain reflecting telescope. The Observatory offers tours and sky-gazing opportunities year-round. The Summer hours are April 1 - September 30, Wed. - Sun., 2 PM to 5 PM and 8 PM to Midnight. Winter hours are Sat. 1 PM to 5 PM and 7 PM to 9 PM and Sun. 1 PM - 5 PM.
1602 Observatory Drive, Goldendale Washington 98620
509-773-3141 Fax 509-773-6929
Other Washington State Parks nearby:
(Goldendale) Brooks Memorial State Park
(Lyle) Doug's Beach State Park
(Goldendale) Goldendale Observatory State Park
(Goldendale) Horsethief Lake State Park
(Goldendale) Maryhill State Park
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02/12 Coming to The Goldendale area Columbia Gorge Wine and Pear Fest Hood River OR May18-19 Start off the weekend with friends and fun featuring Columbia Gorge wineries and eateries. Highlights include entertainment, live music, wine tasting, great food, fruit exhibits with samples, and local artisans. Gorge Blues and Brews Festival Stevenson WA June21-22 Fine collection of local craft brews and local wines, a multitude of phenomenal foods, and great blues music, while benefiting local charities in the Columbia Gorge.
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