St. Croix National Scenic Riverway provides 252 miles of recreational opportunities. Canoe amid the northwoods where wolves, deer, otter and porcupine can be seen, or boat surrounded by wooded bluffs and historic towns.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 created a thin narrow corridor of protection for the St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers. This corridor provides scenic views and a haven for wildlife. The clean, sparkling river water shelters, native mussels, dragonfly, and fish. Overhead eagles, osprey, kingfisher and warblers fly and nest. Closer at hand raccoons or bear may frequent a campsite where food is not properly stored.
Color bursts forth from trilliums and marsh marigolds, followed by asters, cardinal flowers and the changing fall colors. A wealth of wildlife viewing awaits those who seek it.