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Kadesh Guest Ranch

Search Shell Wyoming

The Ranch is nestled at the entrance to Shell Canyon on the "Western Slope" of the Big Horn Mountains, just 75 miles west of Sheridan, Wyoming and 20 miles east of Greybull, Wyoming. Shell Canyon is known worldwide for its breathtaking beauty along with the great Shell Canyon Waterfall.

A variety of horseriding for the experienced and the inexperienced rider. Our Old Wagon with straw bales makes great fun for an old fashioned hayride and is part of this western vacation!

There's trout fishing for the beginner and for the experienced angler. Shell Creek runs through the Ranch for 1 1/2 miles and is well-known for its Rainbow and Brown Trout along with the Rocky Mountain Whitefish.

According to the guests' interests, the Ranch will provide sightseeing to some of the local attractions as part of the weekly package. A trip to Cody, Wyoming for the "Cody Night Rodeo" will show you some real Cowboy and Cowgirl fun.

Location: 1940 Hwy. 14, Shell Wyoming 82441 Telephone 307-765-2791 Toll Free: 800-845-3320 Fax 307-765-2792

(Lovell) Alkali Creek
(Hyattville) Cedar Mountain
(Shell) Kadesh Guest Ranch
(Greybull) Paintrock Outfitters, Inc.
(Lovell) Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range
(Banner) Rafter Y Ranch

02/08 Coming to The Shell area
Big Horn Mountain Festival Buffalo WY July12-14 Acoustic, Americana, Folk, Old-Timey, Bluegrass & Traditional Music.