Located in central Colorado on the banks of the Arkansas River, Pueblo is the seat of Pueblo County. It lies 110 miles south of Denver.
In 1806, explorer Zebulon Pike erected a small log garrison at the future city site. Area flooding in 1921 led to the construction of a flood-control project.
Today Pueblo, population about 102,121, is an industrial and transportation hub as well as the location of several federal offices. A 35-mile river trail system extends from Lake Pueblo to the city's northeastern fringe and the University of Southern Colorado campus. Nearby Pueblo Reservoir and Lake Pueblo State Park highlight the area's recreational facilities. Tours are offered at the resevoir's fish hatchery. Attractions nearby include the Bishop Castle, three stories of hand-hewn stone built by one man.
Pueblo is also the site of the annual two-week Colorado State Fair in August.